1. When do entries open?
    Friday, 8 March 2024 @ 15h00 South Africa Standard Time (GMT +2).

  2. Who can enter the Loeries and what can be entered?
    All countries from Africa & the Middle East can enter ALL the categories. Entries must be commercially published, launched or aired to a substantial audience for the first time between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024. Click here for a detailed list of the eligible countries and more information.

  3. If two or more companies worked on a project, can they all enter the same work?
    No - companies need to agree in advance who will submit the entry and agree on how the credits will be completed. If an entry is received from more than one company, only the first entry will be accepted. No refunds will be given on duplicate entries.

  4. How do I choose an entry category for my work?
    The Loeries Office can offer guidance, but as the entrant please familiarise yourself with our categories to know which category best suits your work. It is the responsibility of the entrant to submit their entry into the correct category and the Loeries will not be held responsible for entries submitted incorrectly. If you need assistance, please send an email to info@loeries.com.

  5. Why does The Loeries allow my work to be entered in only one category?
    The principle behind the rule that a piece of work can only be entered into one main category is that the Loeries will award an idea only once. Therefore, the same creative execution cannot be awarded in Magazine and Poster and Newspaper. Even if you did run the same execution across all these media, you need to choose only one category to enter it into. Please note however that the same work can be re-entered in campaigns, specialist categories, as well as for multiple craft categories.

  6. What is the difference between Design Crafts and Print Crafts?
    All Design entries should be entered into Design Crafts. Print Communication should be entered into Print Crafts. The Design category is judged by designers, and the Print category is judged by agency creatives.

  7. Will the entry categories remain the same as previous years?
    Categories are updated each year, click here to see our categories for this year.

  8. What work can I enter into the Loeries?
    You can enter any work that is created for the region or from the region. FOR THE REGION: All work that has been created
    specifically for and to run in Africa or the Middle East, irrespective of where the work was originated or produced (for example, if a UK based agency produces a campaign to flight in Nigeria, then that can be entered). FROM THE REGION: work created by and in the region, irrespective of where it will flight (for example, if a Zambian agency conceptualises and produces a campaign to flights in Germany, then that can be entered). Click here for more info.

  9. Is there a time period on the work I can enter?
    The eligibility period is dependent on the entry category. Entries must be commercially published, launched or aired to a substantial audience for the first time between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024. Click here for more information.

  10. What are the entry fees?
    The fees to enter work into the Loeries vary depending on the category. Click here for more information.

  11. What is the criteria for student work?
    Any student work created and submitted during 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 may be entered. Where possible, the work should be submitted by the registered educational institution (School/ College/University) from the Africa & the Middle East region, rather than directly by the individual student.

  12. How old must one be to enter the Young Creatives Award?
    If you are turning 27 in 2024 or younger, you can submit a portfolio of your professional work from the last three years. Entry is FREE.

  13. How do I enter Young Creatives?
    Entry into the Young Creatives Award is FREE. No more than five examples of your professional work from the last three years should be presented. Physical material will be accepted.

  14. Do I need any consent or approval to enter my work?
    All entries must be approved by the relevant client for whom the work was produced for. All necessary permissions and agreements with third parties and/or other licenses must be obtained prior to the entry.

  15. How is the work judged?
    Work is judged anonymously in two rounds - this means that the judges do not know the agency that entered the work and judge only on the merit of the entry. Click here for more info on the judging process and the panels.

  16. Who are the judges?
    Judging panels are changed every year, and all Loeries judges are experts in their relevant fields, chosen on merit and their position in the Loeries Official Rankings. Click here for more info on the judging process and the panels.

  17. After submitting my entries, what is the next step?
    Make sure all your entries are complete on your entry Dashboard - then you are good to go! The next step is to start planning your Loeries Creative Week. Click here for more info on Creative Week.

  18. When will we know if our work has been shortlisted for an award?
    All the entries will be judged during Loeries Creative Week. Finalists are announced daily after judging, sign up for our Loeries newsletter and follow our social media channels - Instagram, Facebook & Twitter - to receive announcements.

  19. Where can one view the winning work?
    All the Loeries winners since 1978 can be accessed on our Archive. If you have submitted and paid for an entry in the current year, then you have full access to the archive, alternatively you can purchase a subscription. The award-winning work is compiled into a Travelling Exhibition that visits schools, major centres and colleges.

  20. What are the Official Rankings and when will they be released?
    The Loeries Official Rankings provide an authoritative and independent indication of who’s who in the brand communications industry across Africa and the Middle East. The latest rankings are released annually around February. Click here for more info.

  21. As a previous winner, how do I order a duplicate statue and or certificate?
    Previous winners, as well as anyone or any company credited on a winning entry, can order a duplicate statue or certificate via
    our store. If you'd like to purchase a duplicate Grand Prix statue, please contact us directly on info@loeries.com.